Sunday, March 4, 2012

Story : Life is beautiful -I

I lay tossing on my bed. Golden rays lit up my room with the morning glory. The smell of Agarbathi filled our house with intoxicating aroma. Amma stood devoutly in front of the picture of Goddess Laxmi with eyes shut muttering prayers. Still in the weekend mood, too tired to open my eyes I stumbled to the bathroom. Time: 7.30.Breakfast followed bath and prayer. While packing I saw that my ag was half empty. Couldn’t remember where I put my things on Friday.
“Amma did you see my ID card” I screamed. Amma came into my room all set to share my Monday morning blues. She pulled out my ID tag out of the pile of laundry that was lying in the corner. Experience counts doesn’t it. I heaved a sigh of relief and continued my exploration.
Appa, a retired disciplinarian was back from his morning walk. Standing at the corner he gave me a cold look as we were still busy scrambling.
“May I have a word with you? “He asked with a grin "Nothing urgent. Perhaps we could meet later, if you are busy”. Knowing that I didn’t have much of a choice I decided to oblige.
"How old are you”?
"Should we go into all that now? I quipped
"Yes, it is of interest" he added, "Otherwise
I would not mind if you got all your things mixed up and kept searching for it all day".
I suppressed the obvious retort. He pulled out a gleaming Parker from his pocket. “Guess when I got this” he asked.
I had no clues; but was struck with awe when he said that it was given to him by Thatha when he graduated.
But then time was flying.
All that I wanted to reply was something obvious like "Is it so important that you've to tell me your pen is some 40 odd years
old at this hour? “Aggressive words breed contempt. I swallowed my remarks and sat for a moment on the bed trying to calm my mind.
A regular scene everyday in my house. Life is beautiful I know; but then to realize that I would need 48 hours in a day.It was 8 and I picked up my bags to leave.
(to be contd....)