Monday, February 27, 2012

All Roads to Mylapore-4

Believe me. I tried but just couldn’t resist the temptation of singing my praises for Mylapore…so here Iam continuing to brag about this part of the city, where warmth and hospitality are ways of life. There is a certain beauty, and an uncertain charm to the place which makes this belongingness to Mylapore a great feeling. Most of us hate crowded places, but Mylapore despite the milling crowds and the commercial activities is a marvel. At the heart of a metropolis yet maintaining its good old traditions, Mylapore is an exemplary representation of the spirit of Chennai, where tradition and modernization go hand in hand, seamlessly blending into each other. Especially this part of the year when Kapali with his consort and kids is out to see us all, day and night, Mylapore with its rustic hue, takes us back to the good old days when tranquility and peace of mind used to be an integral part of our lives.There are many nostalgic moments that flash across my mind, when I think of this place; and one of those is the experience of staying up until midnight to see the Rishaba Vaghanam. The mellifluous music played by nadhaswaram vidwans, the lively crowd eagerly waiting for the Gopura Darisnam (the sight of the Lord at the entrance of the temple) it is truly a divine experience, which would stay etched in my mind for ages to come.Some things will never change…and Mylapore tops the list. The lifestyle...the agraharams, the madisar, the filter coffee, and the lively culture will stay with us forever.
No wonder Papanasam Sivan sang
kaaNak Kan koDi vEnDum Kapaliyin bhavaniyai kaana
(You need countless eyes to behold Kapali in procession)
Though all the days have something special to show-case, the ones that we generally don’t miss are Adhikara Nandhi, Rishaba Vahanam, Yanai Vahanam, Arupathi moovar, The ther, Vairasami ( the Lord decked up in diamonds looks more beautiful than usual!!)

All Roads to Mylapore-3

63moovar and Thiruther (Car festival)
I have fond memories of putting kolam (for the is a decorative artwork drawn with rice powder) in front of the Kapleeshwara temple on the day of the arupathi-moovar. I confess, Iam not good at it; but then I take a shot at it for the sheer joy of taking part in the initiative. I haven’t taken to the Vadam Pidhital (or pulling the chariot during the car-festival)because Iam scared of the crowd; but it is tremendous joy to watch the gigantic Temple-car move with the ostentatious Kapali seated besides the enchanting Karpagambal with Chandikeshwara and Pillayar racing to victory and Murugar with Valli and Deyvanai, moving in his own style.There is joy in seeing the scenic beauty of entire Mylapore pulling the Ratham calling out Kapali’s name with so much of enthusiasm, and it adds to the joy when you incidentally happen to get drenched in the shower when buckets of water are poured on the people who pull the Chariot.
The crowd on the days of arupathi moovar and the car-festival is seemingly mad, but then it again gives me a sort of pride and pleasure to view the Magnificent Kapali and the Gorgeous Karpagambal after fighting for a place in the crowd; believe me it is definitely an out of the world experience.

All Roads to Mylapore-2

I take immense pride to call myself a Mylaporean ; being born and brought up in Mylapore, the Panguni festival is one of the much awaited festivals in Mylapore . The festival does not just hold a religious significance but also an emotional and cultural bonding with those associated with this event.During our childhood days we would eagerly await this part of the year, when the local schools would declare holiday for a day or half , mainly to counter the traffic in the area. There were many things that were fascinating about the Utsavam; as a child I used to be awestruck with the number of road-side shops with all the handmade toys ranging from those small cars with strings, paper fans, Bow & Arrow, Maharaja Toppi(Cap), the bubbles, the bioscope, shooting the balloons.( I getting a little too nostalgic?!)and lots more.The ratnam (the merry-go-round, and the mini giant wheel (?!)) also would get added on to my list of to-dos for the season.There is one more aspect to this shopping..the purchase used to be thrilling as the budget would be restricted to the paltry sum that I manage to collect during the rest of the year...(collections usually peak during the Navarathri Kolu when the neighbourhood mamis would bribe us a rupee or two in the name of vethala pakku for singing a song!!)As I grew up, and as my interests were getting more girlish, I used to stop at those bangle-sellers and the tribal people (koravan-korathis) who sell amazing ornamental pieces made of beads (pasi mani).
These 10 days, Mylapore in all its crowded chaos, the flower vendors, the roadside shops, the fruit sellers and the buzzing market is definitely a place to visit. I can infact go on and on about the whole thing…but in the interest of time and space, I would like to stop here. But I still have hoardes of stuff to talk about including Kolams decorationg the road,Madisaar podavai, Kalathy’s Rosemilk, The neer-more (Buttermilk) and lots more...because as you would have known by now, Mylapore is truly special!!

All Roads To Mylapore -I

It is older than the city of Madras, and it boasts of heritage, art, tradition, religious harmony and more.Mylapore, the cultural epicenter of Madras is back with the most awaited event of the year.The annual fete in this part of the country - 10 full days that mark the tradition of Mylapore, that bring about nostalgic memories in Mylaporeans spread across the globe is back with the usual splendor this year too.Yes, starting mid March , all roads will lead to Mylapore and its legendary landmark, the Sri Kapaleeswarar Temple.The Brahmotsavam(Panguni Festival) is about to start and will be on for ten days. This post and the sequels will throw light on some of the interesting features of Panguni Festival.

This is the time when the entire neighborhood comes alive with a carnival like atmosphere.

"For those who are not able to visit the temple to meet Him, He comes visiting them.”

Wats in store..........
This blog would basically have articles on topics that are of interest to me...look out for mpvie reviews, short stories , articles on classical music, religion & spirituality,motherhood&parenting etc. Let me start with a favourite text of mine from the Bhagavad Gita
yad yad acarati sresthas
tat tad evetaro janah
sa yat pramanam kurute
lokas tad anuvartate
Whatever action is performed by a great man, common men follow in his footsteps. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.
Simply speaking, The Gita advocates "Practise what you preach"