Monday, February 27, 2012

All Roads to Mylapore-3

63moovar and Thiruther (Car festival)
I have fond memories of putting kolam (for the is a decorative artwork drawn with rice powder) in front of the Kapleeshwara temple on the day of the arupathi-moovar. I confess, Iam not good at it; but then I take a shot at it for the sheer joy of taking part in the initiative. I haven’t taken to the Vadam Pidhital (or pulling the chariot during the car-festival)because Iam scared of the crowd; but it is tremendous joy to watch the gigantic Temple-car move with the ostentatious Kapali seated besides the enchanting Karpagambal with Chandikeshwara and Pillayar racing to victory and Murugar with Valli and Deyvanai, moving in his own style.There is joy in seeing the scenic beauty of entire Mylapore pulling the Ratham calling out Kapali’s name with so much of enthusiasm, and it adds to the joy when you incidentally happen to get drenched in the shower when buckets of water are poured on the people who pull the Chariot.
The crowd on the days of arupathi moovar and the car-festival is seemingly mad, but then it again gives me a sort of pride and pleasure to view the Magnificent Kapali and the Gorgeous Karpagambal after fighting for a place in the crowd; believe me it is definitely an out of the world experience.

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